Town Office Hours
Monday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Wednesday: 3 - 7 PM
1st Saturday: 8 - 11 AM
Town of Starks
Town Office Closed
Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day
Nov 27 - Day Before Thanksgiving
Dec 25 - Christmas
Dec 30 - CLOSED - Treasurer EOY Closing of Town Accounts
Jan 1, 2025 - New Year’s
Jan 20 - ML King Day
Feb 17 - Presidents Day
May 27 - Memorial Day
July 5 - Independence Day Weekend
Sept 1 - Labor Day
Oct 13 - Indigenous People’s Day

Absentee voting is available for Town Elections
(Click Here for a Sample Ballot)
* There is a candidate ballot for Selectmen, Assessor, and Clerk.
You may call the town office to request ballots be mailed to you or vote in person in presence of the clerk during regular town office hours. Polling hours for regular voting will be 12 PM – 8 PM on Friday, March 7th, 2025.
The Annual Town Business Meeting will be Saturday, March 8th at 9 AM
BOATS Reminder:
As of May 1st, 2020, all motorized watercraft on Maine waters must have a valid registration.
Residents can RENEW boats via the online boat registration link under the "Services" tab on this website, but NEW boats will need to be done at Town Office during regular business hours.
Facts about Starks:
Located in Somerset County, Maine, 04911
Latitude/Longitude: 44°43′42″North 69°56′26″West (At the Community Center)
Size: 32.13 square miles (83.22 km2)
Population (2012 Census estimate): 640
Date of Incorporation: 1795
Type of Government: Town Meeting (2nd Saturday of March) and 3-member Board of Selectmen
Fiscal Year: calendar year
For more information see Planning Profile of Starks at KVCOG
Town of Starks Map
The Vision for 2022…
A year-round population of about 700.
More people working in town (home occupations and local businesses)
An enhanced rural character with extensive farms and forests
Appreciation for history and archaeology
Economic activity, especially farms, local foods and goods, with notable collaboration and integration
Unique natural features and exceptional vistas valued, protected, and promoted
A vibrant Village with services, businesses, town activities, recreation, and scenic locations
A thriving local culture - arts, learning, volunteerism, and community spirit
A great community for families, children, and elders to live and thrive
Starks Comprehensive Plan
Part II (Inventory and Analysis) November 2012