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Town-maintained cemeteries:


  1. Brake Hill- Industry Road

  2. Churchill- New Sharon Road

  3. Didson- Mayhew & Remick Roads

  4. Fairbanks- Sawyers Mills Rd

  5. Greenleaf- New Sharon Road

  6. Piper- Sandy River Road 

  7. Williamson- Sandy River Road


Other private cemeteries & burial grounds:


  1. Abbott- New Sharon Road

  2. Bickford- Anson Road 

  3. Butler Hill/Lemon Stream- Sawyers Mills Road

  4. Farnsworth- Sterry Hill Road

  5. Fish/ Witham- Witham Corner- intrsctn New Sharon Road and Sandy River Road

  6. Frederic- Chicken Street

  7. Heaven’s Gate- Sandy River Road

  8. Hilton- Anson Road and Dill Road intersection

  9. Hooker- Poor Farm Road near Brann’s Mills Road

  10. Locke-Fish- Cemetery Road

  11. McLaughlin- Dill Road

  12. Quimby/ Melancon- Anson Road

  13. Westfall- Ricci Road


Other cemeteries outside town, but of importance to Starks burials:


  • Athearn- Rt 43 Anson

  • Oxbow- Sandy River Road Norridgewock

  • Pike/Thompson- Rt 43 Industry

  • Taylor/ Dickinson-  Sandy River Road, near Dickinson Rips, Mercer


The Maine Old Cemetery Association (MOCA) has detailed information as to all cemeteries and burying grounds in the area. Also, contact the Maine Genealogical Society or the Maine Historical Society 


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