Town Office Hours
Monday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Wednesday: 3 - 7 PM
1st Saturday: 8 - 11 AM
Town of Starks
Town-maintained cemeteries:
Brake Hill- Industry Road
Churchill- New Sharon Road
Didson- Mayhew & Remick Roads
Fairbanks- Sawyers Mills Rd
Greenleaf- New Sharon Road
Piper- Sandy River Road
Williamson- Sandy River Road
Other private cemeteries & burial grounds:
Abbott- New Sharon Road
Bickford- Anson Road
Butler Hill/Lemon Stream- Sawyers Mills Road
Farnsworth- Sterry Hill Road
Fish/ Witham- Witham Corner- intrsctn New Sharon Road and Sandy River Road
Frederic- Chicken Street
Heaven’s Gate- Sandy River Road
Hilton- Anson Road and Dill Road intersection
Hooker- Poor Farm Road near Brann’s Mills Road
Locke-Fish- Cemetery Road
McLaughlin- Dill Road
Quimby/ Melancon- Anson Road
Westfall- Ricci Road
Other cemeteries outside town, but of importance to Starks burials:
Athearn- Rt 43 Anson
Oxbow- Sandy River Road Norridgewock
Pike/Thompson- Rt 43 Industry
Taylor/ Dickinson- Sandy River Road, near Dickinson Rips, Mercer
The Maine Old Cemetery Association (MOCA) has detailed information as to all cemeteries and burying grounds in the area. Also, contact the Maine Genealogical Society or the Maine Historical Society